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Bespoke Trashmast...

We can accommodate almost any size to suit site conditions On the left is our “traditional” and most common Trashmaster size….. but as you can see from our Trashmaster on… Read more about Bespoke Trashmast...

Product Spotlight: Plancofix Range

As we get further and further into the 21st Century, bathroom/shower aesthetics have become more and more important.

Wet rooms and barrier free showers are now often required for designers and planners for both commercial and domestic properties.

With the problem of barrier free showers and getting the water to overcome gravity, Jung Pumpen came up with the Plancofix range.

Built into your bathroom floor, our Plancofix transports the shower water quietly and concealed, into the nearest existing drain or another pump system. The systems are:

  • User-friendly
    With no step required, there will be
    no more tripping into the shower. And
    showers no longer present a problem
    for older people either.
  • Easy to clean
    Easily accessible corners make daily
    cleaning particularly easy.
  • Perfect for spaciousness
    The shower area blends seamlessly into
    the bathroom, letting every available
    square metre add to the feeling of
    space. Your bathroom seems larger.

At present there are three types available for the UK market:


Our PTS/Jung Plancofix is the first fully-fledged floor drainage pump for floor-level showers. Whenever you need to install a floor-level shower in an existing building but the gradient to the existing drain is inadequate, the Plancofix can simply pump the shower water into the nearest drain. The Plancofix is set into the existing bathroom floor – an opening of approx. 40 x 40 x 12 cm is required. The Plancofix can then be tiled over and works almost invisibly beneath your feet as you relax in the shower.

Plancofix Plus:

Our PTS/Jung Plancofix plus needs even less depth for installation. Why is this “less” a “plus”? Where the floor construction height is restricted, every centimetre saved may be crucial. The Plancofix plus needs a depth of only 8 cm, saving 1,5 whole cm compared to the Plancofix. If a further installation depth reduction is required, the moulded insulating tray can be removed to save one more centimetre. As a rule, a discharge head of just a few centimetres is all that is required to pump the wastewater from A to B. This means that the Plancofix plus offers sufficient reserves to transport the shower water safely to the nearest drain. In addition the Plancofix plus impresses with the extremely low operational noise. The noise emission is below 30 dB (A) and scarcely audible.

Plancofix Line:

Our PTS/Jung Plancofix Line comes into your house with a 1.20 m long shower channel. With a simple cut the channel can be shortened to the individual size of your shower. The advantage of the gutter is so that the tiler only has to create a slope on one side in the direction of the gutter. Complicated tile cuts to lead the water into the punctiform drain are no longer necessary. The user of the shower no longer stands on the floor drain, as it is usually installed inconspicuously close to the wall.